• Children are evaluated on the basis of readiness for school and potential for success in a Montessori classroom. It is equally important to determine whether the parents’ educational philosophy is compatible with that of Pinelands Montessori.

TODDLER (2-3 year olds)

  • Children ages between 2 and 3 may begin their Montessori experience in our Toddler Community.

EARLY CHILDHOOD (3-6 year olds)

  • The Early Childhood community is a three – four-year program, starting around three years of age and continuing through till age six. Completion of the full program allows a child to reap full academic and social benefits, and to experience leadership within the classroom community.
  • Please note, independent toileting is required for placement within an EC classroom.

ELEMENTARY ( 6-12 Year olds)

  • Foundation phase students coming from other Montessori schools, with continuous Montessori experience as well as students coming from non-Montessori backgrounds (after a qualifying assessment) are eligible for admission on a space available basis following a classroom visit and interview with a Directress.
  • We require the student’s most recent progress report be submitted with the application. A confidential teacher-recommendation form, obtained from the Admission Office needs to be signed and returned by the parent/s and previous/current school.
  • A visit will be scheduled for the student and an informal assessment will be made.
  • Pinelands Montessori reserves the Right of Admission.


  • All applications are placed into our wait pool through the process of admissions.
  • Applicants are chosen from the wait pool based on several factors.
  • The primary point of evaluation is that of readiness for school and potential for success in a Montessori classroom.
  • Priority is given to siblings of currently enrolled students.
  • The age and gender of the applicant are also taken into consideration in an effort to balance classroom environments.

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