Prepare your child

  • Prepare your child for their first day of school by talking to them about their new school, the new friends they’ll make, and the exciting new things they’ll get to work with.
  • It is also a good idea to read school going stories to them.

Positive Behaviours and Attitudes

  • Modelling positive behaviours and attitudes plays an important role in the success of the first day of school, and the weeks thereafter.
  • Keep discussions about preschool positive, and focus on things that your child is likely to enjoy. Children pick up on parent’s feelings, behaviours, and emotions, and are likely to emulate them if you are feeling upset or uncertain.

Contact us

  • If you are feeling nervous about your little ones first day, please feel free to contact us telephonically. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, and provide with emotional support in the lead up to your child’s first day with us.

Your Child’s First Day of School

  • Morning Routines
    • Establish a positive and happy morning routine for preschool days.
    • For children over two, this may include encouraging your child to pack their own school bag and talk about the day ahead.
    • In addition, always give yourself plenty of time to get ready and arrive on time. Feeling late or rushed can cause children to feel extra anxiety.
  • Arriving at school
    • To ensure that your child receives the greatest benefit from the Montessori program, it is important to arrive before 8:30am.
    • Once you have arrived, sign in your little one, allow them to place their bag in their locker and say goodbye.
  • Saying Goodbye
    • Montessori parents who establish a consistent goodbye routine typically have better luck with successful goodbyes. Take a special moment with your child to say goodbye. Some of our current parents go with a simple kiss and a cuddle. Whereas others have established a ‘secret/special’ handshake. A special goodbye is a great way for your child to start their day feeling happy and reassured.
    • When it is time to leave, don’t linger in the classroom, or stay for “just one more minute.” The best thing you can do is give your child a hug and a kiss at the door, let them know you love them, and re-assure them that you will be back in the afternoon.
  • Pick Up Routine
    • It is important to be punctual when picking up your child. It easy to lose track of time, but no matter who is picking your child up, always be on time. If you are late, it can cause your child to feel more anxiety, and makes drop off the next time much harder.
    • On your child’s first day of school, it is wise to pick them up a little earlier so that they ease into their new routine.
    • Please remember to sign your child out at pick-up.

Positive Daily Reflections

  • On the way home, establish a routine where you talk to your child about their school day.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of their day, such as their favourite activity, or playing with friends.
  • By consistently reinforcing the positive aspects of their school day, your child will learn that their new environment is a fun and happy place, and their feelings of anxiety will decrease over time.

Helping your Child

  • Your child’s basic need which allows him/her to develop socially, emotionally and physically are summarized below
    • Love, warmth and security
    • Physical contact, closeness- a smile, a kiss or a hug are vital for development
    • Sensible rules and limits that are enforced fairly and consistently – always try and give a simple uncomplicated reason
    • An orderly environment, regular routines, healthy eating and sleep patterns
    • Honest praise and encouragement – it will help the child feel good about him/herself and will motivate learning
    • To do things with adults and other children- a child should be made to feel that he/she is an integral part of the family.
    • To be treated with respect and understanding – a child’s ideas should be shown to be worthy of consideration and he should feel that he is completely understood.
    • To stimulate a ‘user- friendly’ environment. See to it, if possible, that the child’s surrounding is geared to his size. Cupboard handles, pictures, shelves, etc, in his/her room should be at an appropriate height. Books, toys and other activities should have a proper home to which the child should return them after use. The child should have the use of a step in the bathroom to allow access to the basin, towel rail, etc.
    • Allow your child to help with the household chores, shopping, cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc. allow your child to share your interest in hobbies and pastimes.
    • Read to your child as often as possible
    • Teach your child to care for animals, plants and books and take responsibility for them
    • Most important of all, if you are experiencing problems with your child’s development or character, medically, educationally or whatever, ask for advice, as all of us must work together to help our children develop into happy, fulfilled human beings

Points to remember

  • Dress
    • We recommend flat-based, rubber soled grip shoes. Slippery shoes and raised heels are hazardous and are therefore not allowed.
    • We discourage super hero clothing as it promotes wild behaviour.
    • Please send your child with rain boots during winter. An old pair of slippers may be kept at school and worn in the class.
    • A spare set of clothing also needs to remain in your child’s locker or bag in the event of him/her spilling water or dirtying themselves.
  • Toys
    • Children are not allowed to bring toys to school.
    • Please note that if a toy is brought to school, it will be confiscated and handed to the parent or adult who collects the child.
    • Staff cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of any toys.
  • Health
    • It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school if the child is ill.
    • If a child becomes ill during a school day, the parent/s will be notified and the child needs to be collected promptly as the school has neither the personnel, nor space, to care for a sick child.
    • Parents are responsible for keeping the school informed about the emergency telephone numbers.
    • Please do not send any medication to school, as those in need of medication are ill and need special care at home. Except under extraordinary situations, we prefer not to administer medication.
    • Lice -Please inform us immediately if you discover that your child has hair lice. It is not something to be embarrassed about, but more something that needs to be stopped. Your child cannot come to school until all the lice and the nits have been removed. We do try to do regular checks on the children’s hair and ask that you please do the same at home.
  • Snack
    • If your child stays till 12h00 or 13h00, a snack is really all that is required. Please consult the ideas on the ‘snack suggestions’ list.
    • Please send lunch for your child if your child is enrolled for full day.
    • No chips, chocolates and sweets allowed. These are reserved for outings.
    • A light snack and lunch may be pre-ordered
  • Outings
    • Children need to be dressed in the school uniform (available at school) and closed shoes on outing days or school visits.
    • The snack needs to be packed in a clear bag marked with their name. (no yoghurts and lollipops as well as lunch boxes/bottles allowed).
    • Sweets, chocolates and chips are allowed.
    • We do rely on parent lifts and assistance on outings. This is a great opportunity for you to meet your child’s friends and other parents.
    • Parents who lift are accountable for the children they transport and for that particular group at the venue.
    • We insist that all children be strapped in during transportation.
    • A valid car licence, and confirmation of 3rd party insurance will be required before lifting.
  • Themes
    • Each term we have a theme /themes, which we discuss during circle time.
    • We ask that you please send items or books with relevance to the theme to school.
    • We also try and keep the outings related to it, however this might not always be possible.
  • Birthdays
    • We celebrate each child’s birthday at the school on the day (or the day closest to it) with a small growing up ceremony.
    • It helps us to tell a story if you make a poster with 4-5 photographs of each year that your child was at, e.g. 0-1yrs,1-2yrs,2-3yrs,3-4yrs, etc.
    • You may send cupcakes/muffins and/or party packets to school.
    • We also ask that you share your child’s birthday by contributing gift to the school.
  • Child behaviour
    • Being at school your child is now exposed to many more external influences and experiences.
    • We have found that our new 3-year-old children towards the 2nd/3rd term begin to gain their confidence and assertiveness, and will begin to try and practice this especially at home. It is part of your child’s natural development, and ask you please to be firm yet understanding.
    • We have had utterances of bad words on a few occasions. It is definitely discouraged and the undoing of this usually takes some time.
    • Sometimes we are not aware of the ‘tales’ being carried within groups of children; so please inform us if there are any concerns

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